Friday, July 30, 2010

Default website domain changed.

Just in case you are wondering we have changed our default landing domain to
















Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Nice to see Sony still havent got a clue how to run a service.....

Copy of email sent to Sony - all we are trying to do here is register an insurance pack for a Sony Vaio.  Supplied by Sony.  So far we have spent three hours in total on this and still no insurance is registered on the laptop.  Unbelievable.





(We are Bernie’s IT Consultants)


This is the first place we started in all this – the website has the following error – try the link yourself:


Description: Description: cid:image001.png@01CB2DAB.03312100

I’ve got to be honest I’m speechless at how difficult this process is – we try the website, then Sony online support, then telephone support, then an email address and now another email address to send details to!.













Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Barracuda Networks

Big thumbs up to Barracuda Networks for amazing customer service – it’s a rare thing these days but we have been blown away by how much they care about their products, are you listening Dell???




Neil Davis

Davis IT Solutions Limited

l:    0844 335 6625

m: 07968 605318


Description: DITS EMAIL LOGO














Monday, July 26, 2010

VLAN technology

Davis IT Solutions has just completed work on a VLAN setup for a new customer – separating the voice traffic from the data to ensure the IP phone system has all the bandwidth it needs.












Friday, July 23, 2010

Sony Vaio Z series...

A customer has requested two of these laptops - must admit they are very nice and also very expensive.  Good to see that Sony have always made decent looking laptops which is more than we can say for the rest of the Windows based vendors.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Blackberry Enterprise Server Express for Free!

Many of our customer have now taken advantage of this:

Which allows full integration of BB's to Microsoft Exchange - what does that actually mean? in-box, calendar and contact sync over the air.  This was previously very expensive but now its a great price FOC!...

We are rolling this out to all customers with BB handsets.

Monday, July 12, 2010

iPad first impressions

In a word good, it really is just a large iPod touch but that's no bad thing we've always been big fans of the touch. The keyboard does actually allow you to touch type which is a weird sensation without a physical keyboard. App support is ok nothing amazing that I've seen yet but then I've only had it running for a couple of hours. It really is impossible to put this thing down...

Want your business on YouTube?

If you are interested in putting your business on YouTube then let us know - we are able to produce a video of anything to do with your biz for you completely FOC! - this can then be linked directly to your website.

This is available for all customer - SBS, SBS+ and Gold.


After a three week wait the Davis IT Solutions test iPad has arrived.  These things seem to have sold out almost everywhere - we were unable to buy one in the Solihull Apple shop.

Customers slowly beginning to ask us about this device and what it will bring to them - watch this space - ask us for a demo and next time an engineer is on site we will bring it along.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Error on last post.

The link to our SBS+ support product was incorrect on our last post - the correct link is:

Busy times...

The last couple of months have been excellent for Davis IT Solutions - I've lost count of the number new server installs we have completed.

We have also taken over support of a well known business in Coventry who's existing providers were struggling with server 2008 technologies.  We were more than glad to help and secure a new happy Gold customer.

Remember all our services are listed in detail on our website:

Small Business:


Gold Service: